First step towards integration of all the goodies of the open source projects
A slush generator for AngularJS using the Google Angular App Structure Recommendations
All, would like to tell you slush-angular-gulp is build with inspiration from the below projects.
Moreover, this is just a first step towards integration of all the goodies of the above mentioned projects and expect more on future releases.
Install slush-angular-gulp globally:
npm install -g slush-angular-gulp
You'll also need to have bower
, slush
and gulp
installed globally for a smooth installation
npm install -g bower gulp slush
Here is the list of dependencies that are pre selected.
, Stylus
, and Sass
to use as the CSS Preprocessor for your project.
Note All _*.styl
, _*.less
, or _*.scss
files will be considered "partials" and must be imported in another stylesheet file (without a leading "_") to be compiled.
You will also have the option to generate a simple Todo list app in your project as well, to be used as a live example of how to structure your app.
The project structure with the Todo list example included will look like this:
├── bower.json
├── gulpfile.js # See "Gulpfile" below
├── karma.conf.js
├── package.json
└── src
└── app
├── app.js # Main app module and configuration
├── app.styl/less/scss # Main app stylesheet
├── assets # A folder meant for images and such...
│ └── slush-angular-gulp.png
├── components
│ ├── heat
│ │ ├── aheat.js
│ │ ├── heat-controller.js
│ │ ├── heat-route.js
│ │ ├── service
│ │ │ └── heat_service.js
│ │ └── view
│ │ └── heat.html
│ └── todo
│ ├── todo-controller.js # The todo controller
│ ├── todo-controller.spec.js # Karma test for the todo controller
│ ├── todo-route.js # Todo module route configuration
│ ├── todo.html # The todo list template
│ ├── todo.js # The todo module
│ └── todo.styl/less/scss # Todo module specific styles
├── index.html # The index.html / app layout template
└── styles
└── _base.styl/less/scss # A stylesheet partial with base styles
Link to Gulpfile
Available generators:
Sets up a new AngularJS app, generating all the boilerplate you need to get started. The app generator also optionally installs Bootstrap and additional AngularJS modules, such as angular-resource (installed by default).
Create a new folder for your project:
mkdir my-angular-app
Run the generator from within the new folder:
cd my-angular-app
slush angular-gulp
cd my-angular-app
slush angular-gulp:app
You will now be prompted to give your new AngularJS app a name, which will be dasherized and used in its bower.json
and package.json
respectively. The chosen name will be camelized and used as the main angular module as well, inside src/app/app.js
Generates a controller in src/app/components/<module>
slush angular-gulp:controller <ctrl-Name>
slush angular-gulp:controller login
[06:33:12] Starting 'angular-gulp:controller'...
? What is the name of your controller? login
? What is your AngularJS module name? user
? Do you want to include unit testing? Yes
[06:33:41] [conflict] Creating login-controller.js
[06:33:41] [conflict] Creating login-controller.spec.js
[06:33:41] Finished 'angular-gulp:controller' after 29 s
[slush] Scaffolding done
Produces src/app/user/login-controller.js
(function() {
'use strict';
.controller('LoginCtrl', LoginCtrl);
* @ngdoc function
* @name myAngularApp.user.controller:LoginCtrl
* @description
* # LoginCtrl
* Controller of the myAngularApp.user
* @ngInject
function LoginCtrl() {
this.awesomeThings = [
'HTML5 Boilerplate',
Produce src/app/user/login-controller.spec.js
'use strict';
* Simple test class for LoginCtrl on myAngularApp.user
describe('Controller: LoginCtrl', function () {
// load the controller's module
var LoginCtrl;
// Initialize the controller and a mock scope
beforeEach(inject(function ($controller, $rootScope) {
LoginCtrl = $controller('LoginCtrl', {
// place here mocked dependencies
it('should attach a list of awesomeThings to the scope', function () {
Generates a module in src/app/components/<module>
slush angular-gulp:module <module-Name>
slush angular-gulp:module user
[21:55:01] Starting 'angular-gulp:module'...
? What is the name of your module? user
? Which configuration files would you like to be seperate? config, routes
[21:55:36] [conflict] Creating user-module.js
[21:55:36] [conflict] Creating user-config.js
[21:55:36] [conflict] Creating user-routes.js
[21:55:36] Finished 'angular-gulp:module' after 36 s
[slush] Scaffolding done
Produces src/app/components/user/user-module.js
* Creates and initilizes the module user
(function() {
'use strict';
angular.module('myAngular.user', [], moduleConfiguration);
/* @ngInject */
function moduleConfiguration() {
//TODO Have any module specific configurator here
or if configs were separated out
Produces src/app/components/user/user-module.js
* Creates and initilizes the module user
(function() {
'use strict';
angular.module('myAngular.user', []);
* Configuration for the module user
(function() {
'use strict';
/* @ngInject */
function config(){
// Configurations
* Sets routes for the module user
(function() {
'use strict';
/* @ngInject */
function appRun(){
// Routing
Generates a directive in src/app/components/<module>
slush angular-gulp:directive <directive-Name>
slush angular-gulp:directive awesome-thing
[06:37:03] Starting 'angular-gulp:directive'...
? What is the name of your directive? awesome-thing
? What is your AngularJS module name? user
[06:37:07] [conflict] Creating awesome-thing-directive.js
[06:37:07] Finished 'angular-gulp:directive' after 4.57 s
[slush] Scaffolding done
Produces src/app/component/user/awesome-thing-directive.js
* @desc Please provide useful information regarding the directive with a proper example
* @example <div awesome-thing></div>
(function() {
.directive('awesomeThing', awesomeThing );
function awesomeThing () {
/* implementation details */
Generates a filter in src/app/components/<module>
slush angular-gulp:filter <filter-Name>
slush angular-gulp:filter checkmark
[06:39:02] Starting 'angular-gulp:filter'...
? What is the name of your filter? checkmark
? What is your AngularJS module name? user
? Do you want to include unit testing? Yes
[06:39:11] [conflict] Creating checkmark-filter.js
[06:39:11] [conflict] Creating checkmark-filter.spec.js
[06:39:11] Finished 'angular-gulp:filter' after 9.3 s
[slush] Scaffolding done
Produces src/app/component/user/checkmark-filter.js
(function() {
'use strict';
.module('myAngularApp.user').filter('checkmark', checkmarkFilter);
function checkmark() {
return function (input) {
return input ? '\u2713' : '\u2718';
Produces src/app/component/user/checkmark-filter.spec.js
'use strict';
describe('filter', function() {
describe('checkmark', function() {
it('should convert boolean values to unicode checkmark or cross',
inject(function(checkmarkFilter) {
Generates a route in src/app/components/<module>
slush angular-gulp:route <route-Name>
slush angular-gulp:route user
[06:41:04] Starting 'angular-gulp:route'...
? What is the name of your route? user
? What is your AngularJS module name? user
[06:41:07] [conflict] Creating user-route.js
[06:41:07] Finished 'angular-gulp:route' after 2.96 s
[slush] Scaffolding done
Produces src/app/component/user/user-route.js
(function() {
'use strict';
.config( userRoute);
/* @ngInject */
function userRoute($routeProvider) {
.when('/user', { //Default
controller: 'UserCtrl',
templateUrl: 'user/user.html'
Generates a service in src/app/components/<module>
slush angular-gulp:service <service-Name>
slush angular-gulp:service session
[06:43:42] Starting 'angular-gulp:service'...
? What is the name of your service? session
? What is your AngularJS module name? user
[06:43:48] [conflict] Creating session-service.js
[06:43:48] Finished 'angular-gulp:service' after 5.58 s
[slush] Scaffolding done
Produces src/app/user/session-service.js
(function() {
'use strict';
.service('sessionService', sessionService);
/* @ngInject */
function sessionService() {
var someValue = '';
var service = {
save: save,
someValue: someValue,
validate: validate
return service;
function save() {
/* */
function validate() {
/* */
Generates a factory in src/app/components/<module>
slush angular-gulp:factory <factory-Name>
slush angular-gulp:factory session
[06:46:32] Starting 'angular-gulp:factory'...
? What is the name of your factory? session
? What is your AngularJS module name? user
[06:46:38] [conflict] Creating session-factory.js
[06:46:38] Finished 'angular-gulp:factory' after 6.07 s
[slush] Scaffolding done
Produces src/app/home/session-factory.js
(function() {
'use strict';
.factory('sessionFactory', sessionFactory);
/* @ngInject */
function sessionFactory() {
var someValue = '';
var factory = {
save: save,
someValue: someValue,
validate: validate
return factory;
function save() {
/* */
function validate() {
/* */
Generates a provider in src/app/components/<module>
slush angular-gulp:provider <provider-Name>
slush angular-gulp:provider game
[14:16:32] Starting 'angular-gulp:provider'...
? What is the name of your provider? game
? What is your AngularJS module name? user
[14:16:47] [conflict] Creating game-provider.js
[14:16:48] Finished 'angular-gulp:provider' after 16 s
[slush] Scaffolding done
Produces src/app/home/game-provider.js
(function() {
'use strict';
.provider('game', gameProvider);
/* @ngInject */
function gameProvider() {
var someValue = '';
var provider = {
save: save,
someValue: someValue,
validate: validate
return provider;
function save() {
/* */
function validate() {
/* */
Generates a constant in src/app/components/<module>
slush angular-gulp:constant <constant-Name>
slush angular-gulp:constant apiKey
[06:47:37] Starting 'angular-gulp:constant'...
? What is the name of your constant? apiKey
? What is your AngularJS module name? user
[06:47:44] [conflict] Creating apiKey-constant.js
[06:47:44] Finished 'angular-gulp:constant' after 7.11 s
[slush] Scaffolding done
Produces src/app/component/user/appKey-constant.js
(function() {
'use strict';
.constant('apiKey', 'apiKey');
Generates a value in src/app/components/<module>
slush angular-gulp:value <value-Name>
slush angular-gulp:value baseUrl
[06:49:57] Starting 'angular-gulp:value'...
? What is the name of your value? baseUrl
? What is your AngularJS module name? user
[06:50:01] [conflict] Creating baseUrl-value.js
[06:50:01] Finished 'angular-gulp:value' after 3.64 s
[slush] Scaffolding done
Produces src/app/component/user/baseUrl-value.js
(function() {
'use strict';
var baseUrlValue = {};
.value('baseUrl', baseUrlValue);
Generates a decorator in src/app/components/<module>
slush angular-gulp:decorator <decorator-Name>
slush angular-gulp:decorator exception
[06:52:06] Starting 'angular-gulp:decorator'...
? What is the name of your decorator? exception
? What is your AngularJS module name? user
[06:52:11] [conflict] Creating exception-decorator.js
[06:52:11] Finished 'angular-gulp:decorator' after 4.52 s
[slush] Scaffolding done
Produces src/app/component/user/exception-decorator.js
(function () {
'use strict'
/* @ngInject */
function exceptionConfig($provide) {
$provide.decorator('$exceptionHandler', extendexceptionHandler);
/* @ngInject */
function extendexceptionHandler($delegate) {
return function(exception, cause) {
$delegate(exception, cause);
var data = {
exception: exception
Generates a view in src/app/components/<module>
slush angular-gulp:view <view-Name>
slush angular-gulp:view user
[06:54:05] Starting 'angular-gulp:view'...
? What is the name of your view? user
? What is your AngularJS module name? user
[06:54:17] [conflict] Creating user-view.html
[06:54:17] Finished 'angular-gulp:view' after 12 s
[slush] Scaffolding done
Produces src/app/component/user/user-view.html
<p>This is the user view</p>
To start developing in your new generated project run:
gulp serve
Then head to http://localhost:3000
in your browser.
The serve
tasks starts a static file server, which serves your AngularJS application, and a watch task which watches your files for changes and lints, builds and injects them into your index.html accordingly.
To run tests run:
gulp test
To make the app ready for deploy to production run:
gulp dist
To make the app ready for deploy to production run:
gulp serve-dist
Now you have a ./dist
folder with all your scripts and stylesheets concatenated and minified, also third party libraries installed with bower will be concatenated and minified into vendors.min.js
and vendors.min.css
The Contributing guideline can be found here Contributing.
The Changelog can be found on the releases section.